Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 9: November 7-13

The baby is now the size of a medium green olive. The back is straightening out and the tail is shrinking. The baby will begin to make tiny movements as muscles develop. The head is large and remains curved towards the chest. Some say the baby is officially a fetus this week, others say it's next week.

Sunday, November 7, 2010 ~ This weekend has been absolutely exhausting. I went to a math conference in Palm Springs on Friday with a coworker who has attended before and she said we needed to leave by 5:30 am because of the lines for registration! Turns out we really didn't need to leave that early but oh well. Fortunately my stomach was much more cooperative and didn't give me away. After eight hours on Friday and some sessions on Saturday, we headed home around 2 pm. Being away from home and on the go for a day and a half was tough.

Food is really getting frustrating. I'm happy that my nausea has eased up a bit but it seems like more and more foods are unappealing to me, including foods that were my favorites last week. Breakfast is still the worst but packing lunch is also a challenge because my tastes change so quickly and I have no idea what I'm going to want.

Sleeping on my back is no longer uncomfortable and hasn't been for at least a week, although I've read that you should try not to sleep on your back after the first trimester. My stomach increased 2.5 inches from morning to night the other day. The bloating is miserable and sometimes even pajamas with elastic waistbands are uncomfortable. I think I'm going to buy some Bella Bands on one of my days off this week (I have Thursday and Friday off for Veteran's Day). I'm really hoping I can get out of the house and go to a store but I might end up buying them online if I'm still not feeling well. I've only gained 1.5 pounds total, which is pretty good considering I haven't been able to exercise for three weeks because of my nausea and exhaustion. I'm really looking forward to feeling better soon so that I can get back to doing some upper body weights and at least get to walking, if not doing some light jogging.

Thursday, November 11, 2010 ~ Got my blood results today after having another blood draw. I'm a little tired of being poked with needles but I know there's a lot more of that to come and it will all be worthwhile. My progesterone is up and the nurse said it's good but based on what I've seen online, it still seems a little low to me. I'll talk to the doctor about it on Tuesday. I read a statistic that says once a heartbeat is detected the risk of miscarriage goes down to about 3%. This eased my mind a bit; we saw a healthy heartbeat on the ultrasound a couple weeks ago!

The newest phase of the food aversions seems to have hit. The nausea is nowhere near as bad and mostly in the evenings these days. However once I think or hear about something in the afternoon, it's the only thing I can eat for dinner. This afternoon I was reading about a gastropub and thought of salami and cheese. I didn't want to ask Dan to stop for food again so I tried to convince myself to eat something at home. Over the next 10 minutes, I got as close to being sick as I've been. It's pretty ridiculous! I've tried convincing myself that it's all in my head and once I start eating something, it will go away, but the one time I forced myself to eat something I didn't want I really didn't feel good. I'm still eating mostly bready foods all the way through lunch but today I was able to put strawberry jam on my toast, which was exciting.

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