Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 38: May 29-June 4

Not a whole lot going on with baby from here on out. He weighs about 6.8 oz and is approximately 21 inches long.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 ~ Two days by the pool and two nights in a row of good sleep - I think I need to hang out in the sun every day for a while! Sunday we went to Shannon's parents' house for a Memorial Day BBQ. The house is in escrow so it's very likely that Sunday was the last day I'll ever be on the street that I grew up on. Yesterday was such a beautiful day; I joined Jessica and Doug by their pool all afternoon.

I'm having lots of contractions when I'm doing something but when I'm relaxing or not doing a whole lot, I have very few. In the five hours that I was at Shannon's, I had more contractions than I did in the five days prior. I think that the position I sit in makes a big difference, as well. Sitting at a 90 degree angle causes lots of contractions so I usually sit slightly reclined when I can. Dan went on a walk with me yesterday morning and, despite walking slower than I normally do, I had more contractions that were stronger than usual but they went away as soon as we finished our walk.

Besides sleeping well (relatively speaking) for two days and having more contractions when I'm active, I don't really feel any different so I don't think anything's going to be happening anytime soon.

Friday, June 3, 2011 ~ Yesterday's appointment was uneventful. The doctor said I'm almost 2 cm dilated and still 60% effaced. In the afternoon and evening I progressively got more and more uncomfortable with pretty severe cramps and lower back pain. I was having more intense contractions but not so much that I would describe them as painful. Trying different positions that we learned in our birth classes and sitting on the birth ball helped ease the discomfort a bit and eventually it just went away and I felt pretty normal again. Today, besides having a little more pressure than usual, I feel great. I'm assuming that the events of yesterday evening were all brought on by my exam at the doctor and because things are progressing (I didn't have any cramps after my exam last week). The doctor said I'm going in and out of the latent phase of labor and that sooner or later, I will go into it and progress instead of coming out of it. I've been having a few other signs that we are progressing but they are definitely TMI to write about here.

The doctor mentioned that I have a slightly narrow pelvis, which has me a bit worried. I'm hoping that my body has grown a baby that is small enough for me to birth without any complications. I guess we'll see how things go soon!

I almost wish that I didn't know my due date. I feel like I'm in a rush for baby to come but when I think about it, I don't mind having a few more days or a week with just Dan and I. Part of me really wants the baby to come as early as possible so that I'll have more time with him before I go back to work but really at this point we're talking about days, not weeks.

Sleep has been a bit more difficult lately. After being in the sun on Sunday and Monday I slept really well but Tuesday and Wednesday were a different story. I was tossing and turning on the couch, up several times to use the restroom, and awake earlier than I should have been to feel rested. I was up early this morning but slept better last night, probably because my body was tired from dealing with the cramps and back ache for 5 hours yesterday.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 37: May 22-28

Baby is now the size of a watermelon, approximately 21 inches long and about 6.5 pounds. She is considered full term now! She will continue to gain about half an ounce per day, mostly in fat, and her brain continues to develop rapidly.

Sunday, May 22, 2011 ~ The doctor was surprised to see that I was 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced when I saw him on Thursday. Based on what I've read and heard from friends, 1 cm doesn't mean a whole lot unless I continue to progress; many people are at 1 cm for weeks before they progress further. But I've read that it's far better for the cervix to thin out (efface) before the bulk of the dilating begins (although I can't remember why). So we'll have a better idea of how things are going when I see the doctor on Thursday. About a week ago I started having cramps, which is what caused the progress we've seen so far. Today after my walk I've been and currently am having the worst cramps yet for the longest time yet, about an hour. I think I've only had about one contraction though so I don't think anything exciting is happening. Oh speak of the devil, there's another one.

I think the baby has dropped as much as she could have, considering how low I've been carrying throughout the pregnancy. There seems to be more space in my belly and more pressure on my bladder and pelvis lately.

There are a few things left that I'd like to get done before the baby comes but nothing that's absolutely necessary. I feel prepared for the most part. Well, we haven't packed the hospital bag yet but I think we'll have that done by the end of the day tomorrow. Baby can't come sooner than that anyway because my doctor is at a conference in LA until tomorrow afternoon.

I'm finding myself making comments that I want the baby to come as soon as possible but honestly, she can come whenever she's ready. For work purposes, I would prefer that she come soon so that I can spend more time with her before I have to go back but otherwise I'm still pretty comfortable and don't have that "Get this baby out of me" feeling. My yoga instructor seems to think that because I'm comfortable, I won't deliver early.

I have been having a more difficult time sleeping. I'm up approximately every hour and a half to change positions, which is a bit of work. I slept on the couch last night because it is softer than the bed and my hips didn't get sore from sleeping on my side as quickly. I had longer stretches of time between wake ups. I really don't want to sleep on the couch every night though. It just doesn't seem right.

Exercise is becoming more challenging, as well. My belly gets in the way during yoga and my legs are having a difficult time supporting the extra weight during some poses. My legs are also getting tired on walks. Last week I walked 12.5 miles, 3 miles at a time (one walk was 3.5 miles) but prior to that I missed about 2-3 weeks because of a crazy schedule and working too much. I'm sure that break contributed to my weaker legs, too. As much as I dread walking, I'm going to try to walk as often as I can because I tend to get cramps afterward, which makes me feel like things are moving along. I know, that probably sounds crazy.

I'm getting more and more excited to meet this little person residing in my body and I especially can't wait to find out: boy or girl?! Oh, on that note, we really need to make some progress on the name front!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011 ~ The other day I was sitting with Jessica, reflecting on college graduation for some reason. It seems like it happened so much longer than 11 years ago. When I think about all of the experiences I've had in the last 11 years and the things that I've done, it makes me happy. From getting out of a terrible relationship that lasted altogether too long, beginning a career that I love, and buying my condo at a young age to traveling with girlfriends; meeting, traveling with, and marrying Dan; completing my masters; and now being in the position to live by the beach (a long time dream of mine) and start a family, it makes me realize how great my life has been! I had tough times when money was tight or when I was working full time and speeding through my masters (and more), but I wouldn't change a thing. I think part of the reason that it feels like more than 11 years have passed is because I feel like a completely different person than I was back then and I am very happy with the person that I have become.

Just a little Tuesday afternoon reflection.

Friday, May 27, 2011 ~ Unfortunately nothing has changed in the last week. The doctor said I'm 1+ cm dilated and 60% effaced. I was hoping for progress, especially after having some boughts of pretty strong contractions and cramps, but apparently baby is very happy where she's at for now. Good news is I didn't gain any weight this week!

I had a nursing bra fitting at Hoag before my doctor's appointment and the nurse who worked with me couldn't have made my day any better. She said that it's obvious I've been exercising and that I'm "all baby". She suspects that I will be back to my prepregnancy weight very quickly. As I was walking out, she also told me that I am far more calm than most women who come in at this point in their pregnancy. I know I have been told by many people that I look good and have done a good job with my weight but it felt especially good hearing it from somebody who is completely impartial and who sees pregnant women all day, every day.

She also gave me some good information. For example, she said that babies often won't feed from a bottle when they can smell their Mom in the room. So when we start getting baby used to a bottle before I go back to work, I'll have to be sure to leave the area when Dan feeds her. I'm really looking forward to delivering at Hoag. So far all of our experiences there have been great and every nurse has been incredibly helpful.

When I was on my walk today, a couple was getting out of their car and gave me two thumbs up. The husband said, "Go Mama!" I thought that was cute.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 36: May 15-21

Baby now weighs about 6 pounds and is approximately 20.7 inches long. She is gaining about an ounce a day. Her face has filled out significantly and looks smooth and plump. Because she has powerful sucking muscles and has had layers of fat forming for quite some time now, her cheeks have filled out like a newborn's. Her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own. Next week she'll be considered full term.

Sunday, May 15, 2011 ~ Not much to write about considering I just posted for last week but meeting several new people last night got me wondering: do people tell all pregnant women that they look great? Or do they expect all pregnant women to look fat and bloated? Or do I just look great? :) I was at a former colleague's house for a BBQ and met a handful of people. Almost all of them asked when I am due and when they found out I only have four weeks left, they said how great I look. I have a feeling that most people expect someone who's eight months pregnant to look bloated and I have been pretty lucky in that department. I've had my days but usually after I make poor food choices.

I wanted to take my 36 week picture before we left to go to the BBQ but I lost track of time and we were running late. I'll have to take it and post it soon!

I am grateful to have had a mostly comfortable, uneventful pregnancy. The first months were rough but I definitely know that I didn't have it as rough as it could have been. I don't look forward to that experience again though. I can't say it enough: I sincerely believe that yoga has contributed to how good I have felt and plan on starting it much earlier in the next pregnancy.

Hopefully I'll have exciting news to post after my doctor's appointment on Thursday. I'm hoping for 2 cm dilated and 60-80% effaced. We'll see!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 35: May 8-14

Baby now weighs over 5.5 pounds and is approximately 20 inches long. From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department; most of his basic physical development is now complete. He'll put on about a pound of fat before birth but won't get much longer. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products.

Saturday, May 14, 2011 ~ Monday: work 7:30 am - 6 pm. Tuesday: work 7:30 am - 7:15 pm; woke up at 2:29 am and didn't fall back asleep until 4:45ish. Wednesday: work 7:30 am - 8:15 pm. Thursday: 36 week appt at 3:30 pm; breastfeeding class 7-9 pm. Friday: visitor from New Jersey. It's been a very long week (hence the weekly post at the end of the week)! My body handled the late nights well until Thursday. Thursday and Friday I had many long contractions throughout the day. I'm expecting them to slow down or stop now that I'm done with work. I have also been slightly crampy all week, which I think is a sign that my cervix is beginning to thin out and might be starting to dilate, which is pretty normal around this time I think.

Dan came with me to my 36 week appointment so that we could discuss labor and also because I thought the doctor was going to check me for dilation and effacement this week, which I was really excited about, but he said he won't start until next week. I'll be seeing the doctor every week from now on. He is happy that I'm keeping an open mind about pain management. Also, when I asked about holding off on artificially breaking my water and avoiding pitocin, he was completely open to it. I've read that when those two things happen, the contractions get far more intense and it is more difficult to labor naturally. Now, if I end up with an epidural he can break and pitocin away! So it sounds like we're all on the same page, which is reassuring. Dan's a little nervous about knowing how to support me. For example, he's not sure if he should mention an epidural at all or, if I ask for one, he's not sure if he should try to talk me out of it because he knows I want a natural birth. I told him that he should not bring it up; if I want one, I'll bring it up. But if I bring it up towards the end of labor, he should try to talk me out of it. I've read that many women get so close to the end and think they can't do it anymore but once they power through, they get an energy surge and do wonderfully.

I plan on taking it easy over the weekend and doing absolutely nothing on Monday, then I will begin to tackle my to do list on Tuesday. I'm definitely going to take my time with the list and not work as hard as I did over Spring Break. I'm looking forward to some time off of work but it hasn't quite hit me that I am officially off for the summer. Also I found out that one of the ladies who retired from Fountain Valley two years ago might be interested in taking my classes for a few weeks in the Fall!

My students have been very sweet since they found out I was pregnant but especially over the last week or two. Several of them came up to me as they were leaving yesterday and thanked me for the time and dedication that I put into teaching and to wish me and the baby well. I used to think that teaching is a thankless job but I swear the kids at Fountain Valley are different than any I've ever had before. I was surprised by their gratitude last year, also. It hasn't quite hit me yet but I'm definitely going to miss teaching, especially while I'm home alone before the baby arrives.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Having Second Thoughts...

No silly, not about the baby. Tuesday I had an incredibly rough day. I didn't sleep much Monday night and started having Braxton Hicks contractions shortly after lunch on Tuesday. I think my body was telling me I needed more rest. While I was working and running around after school, I couldn't really pay attention to the frequency but the contractions definitely felt worse than they ever have before. I started timing them around 7 pm at home and they were lasting about a minute. From 7-8:35 pm I had seven contractions, some 5 minutes apart, some 20 minutes apart. I wasn't worried because I've read enough to know that they were not labor contractions but I was incredibly uncomfortable, squirming around on the couch, and at one point I had to have Dan help pull me off of the couch so that I could go to the bathroom because I couldn't get up on my own. It was nonstop discomfort that got increasingly worse from around 1 pm until I went to bed at around 8:45 pm. My back was killing me and I was really regretting the nap I took on Friday instead of going to yoga. I didn't realize that the contractions were the cause of my back pain, although it may not have been as bad had I been to yoga.

After Tuesday, I am having second thoughts about my ability to make it through labor without pain medication. These weren't even the real, painful contractions and I had a difficult time with them. I know I definitely do not want IV pain meds (narcotics) because of the effect that they have on the baby; baby could be groggy when he is born, may have a lower heart rate during labor, and may not be ready to nurse as quickly once he's born. I am feeling that the chances I'll have an epidural are more likely than I previously thought.

The only thing that makes me still have hope is that I keep reading about the breaks between contractions during labor. If I can make it through a minute or two of pain, I'll have a few minutes in between to rest. During active labor it decreases to only a minute in between but active labor is the shortest phase of labor, lasting 30 min to 2 hours.

I am at a point where I will be fine with whatever happens. I am going to do the best that I can and if the pain is unbearable, I'm going to go for the meds. It's not too long before we'll have a healthy baby here, with pain medication or without!

Last night was a bit stressful, too. I had another busy day but not too busy to notice that the baby didn't seem to be moving as vigorously as usual. I was questioning whether I was just busy and didn't notice the movements or if the baby really wasn't giving me the jabs that I've grown accustomed to. I went to yoga and when the baby wasn't moving through that, I was really worried that something was wrong. Was the baby in distress after all of the contractions Tuesday? Were the contractions a result of something happening with the baby? Even with some pretty strong pressing on my belly, I wasn't getting a response.

I got home and followed the instructions that we got at our hospital labor class: I had a glass of orange juice and laid on my side to see if baby would kick. Nothing on the left side. Dan and I were getting ready to go to labor and delivery to get monitored. I switched to my right side and almost immediately the baby woke up and gave me some small kicks. I felt enough that I was confident that we didn't need to go to L&D and when baby got the hiccups before I went to bed, I felt even better. But I was still thinking about it all day today. I still felt like I wasn't getting the strong jabs and nudges that I'm used to throughout the day today... until I got home from work. Baby has been pushing and jabbing up a storm and now I feel really good!

Oh, and I'm never going a week and a half without seeing my prenatal yoga instructor again during any pregnancy. I went to a different instructor a week ago because my schedule just wasn't working to go to Holly's classes and it just wasn't the same. I feel like a human again after one class last night and hope to go to three classes next week but will definitely go to two. This should be the last Saturday that I miss during this pregnancy but she has a Monday class so it won't be long before I see her again. And I'm really looking forward to a relaxing weekend in Palm Springs!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 34: May 1-7

Baby is almost 20 inches long and weighs almost 5 pounds. His hair continues to get longer and thicker and his hair color is probably not going to be the same color from birth onwards. Baby is shedding most of his lanugo, the fine, downy hair covering his body, but the amount of vernix caseosa is increasing. Vernix caseosa is the creamy coating that keeps baby's skin safe while in this long bath he's been taking. We have 42 days left!

Sunday, May 1, 2011 ~ Sleep has been hot and cold over the last few days. I am definitely getting up more to go to the bathroom so I need to really focus on getting my water intake up earlier in the day and drink less in the evening. I have also been hungry in the middle of the night. Fat really seems to be the only thing that keeps me full through the night. I also wake up many times throughout the night to change positions. If I lay on either side too long, my hip begins to hurt; if I lay on my back to long, my spine hurts. Generally I've been able to roll to a new position and fall right back asleep but sometimes it's not so easy.

My yoga instructor suggests taking it easier during these next two weeks to build up strength for "the big event". With a slightly less busy schedule, I think I'll be able to walk more often for shorter distances. I'll also take things easier during yoga.

This week is going to be all about prepping for the five weeks that I'll be out on maternity leave (only two weeks to go!). I have always said it's more work to miss a day of work then it is to actually go in; this is going to be a large task to get ready for five weeks. I have been working on it slowly throughout the last month or so but still have A LOT to do! We have our last natural birth class on Monday and I am very excited about Wednesday - my Calculus students will take their AP Exam. They did very well on the Mock AP Exam that they took two weeks ago, actually far better than I expected.

Next weekend we are taking our last weekend getaway as a twosome. We are heading out to Palm Desert to relax by the pool with an umbrella drink... Oh, wait... I guess I can still have an umbrella in my drink!