Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quick Morning Post

I figured I'd hop on and write a quick post to let Nate sleep a little longer. Sunday he went to bed an hour later after the time change, as expected, so I slept a little later Monday morning. He then woke up early and my morning became hectic. Monday night he went to bed as if the time change never happened so I woke up extra early Tuesday morning... and then he slept late. Last night he was back to remembering the time change for bed time and it seems he's sleeping a usual length of time.

Nate's pterodactyl scream has gotten more intense. It is clear that he thinks it's his primary way of communicating. Danielle came over on Saturday to take me out to lunch for my birthday. Afterward we were hanging out at the house and feeding Nate some peas. I was talking to her while feeding him and he kept screaming his little high pitched scream, asking for attention, so I looked at him while talking to her and he stopped.

Speaking of peas, he is really learning to feed himself faster than I expected. He's pretty adept at finger foods. He still sometimes misses and the food ends up hitting his cheek instead of going into his mouth but for the most part, he'll just pick something up and eat it. He's not great with texture still though. He's not eating purees anymore; I'm either mashing things or making sure that there are still little bits in them. But I gave him the tiniest little bite of cottage cheese and he immediately gagged... and gagged... and gagged... until he threw up his apples. I don't think it was about flavor because there are things that he hasn't liked the flavor of but he's still able to get a bite of it down and then he just turns his head to refuse future bites.

Well, I've been on here three minutes longer than I had planned so I've got to get going!

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