Thursday, March 29, 2012

So Excited! Hoping My Hopes Aren't Up Too High

Today I finally looked into going part time next year. I had been under the assumption that if I went down to working 50%, I'd have to pay 50% of our health benefits and I had no idea how expensive that would be. I checked with the district and found out that as long as I work at least 50%, I get full benefits and don't have to pay anything. What?!?! Really?!?! That can't be right. I literally emailed the lady at the district office a second time to make sure that I understand what she said. So what it boils down to is that my salary will be cut in half. I've already figured out that we can afford that with the price of rental homes that we are looking at. In fact, it won't affect the way we live at all.

The only reason I am worried about my hopes being too high is that the union has mentioned that we may not be able to keep our amazing health benefits next year because of the potential continued cuts to education. I have emailed somebody on our negotiating team to find out what the chances are that they will change the 50% = full benefits policy and am anxiously awaiting a response.

If I can cut down to 50%, I'll be able to work from 8-11 am or 9 am to noon. I don't know which will be better but right now I'm leaning toward 9 am to noon because Nate is happiest first thing in the morning and also because I will have to offer some kind of additional help for my students; if I work until noon I can stay for lunch a couple days a week and offer help then.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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