Saturday, May 5, 2012

More Teething, More Mobility

We have regressed a bit in terms of sleep because of teething.  Nate has a third bottom tooth coming in and I'm hoping that fourth bottom is shortly behind so that we can get through this.  His first two teeth were the bottom center and he had a very difficult time with it.  He was fine during the day but slept terribly!  After a bit of a break, he got all four top teeth at once and did fine.  Now he's had quite a break from teething but the bottom one or two started coming about a week or two ago and one is clearly close to peaking through.  For the last two nights he's woken up to have milk twice each night and didn't sleep well after his first waking.  I am grateful that he has been so well behaved during the day but I am also pretty exhausted!

Today Nate was amusing himself by pulling himself to his feet using the ottoman and then plopping down onto his butt over and over again.  I'm sure I mentioned that he has the army crawl down pat and gets on his hands and knees often.  He took another crawl-step today and sometimes takes a few steps on his hands and feet.  He's going to be walking before we know it; we have to get to baby proofing pretty quick here!

I think that all of this increased mobility will help him sleep better once those teeth pop through.  He has been taking longer naps for the past few days (except of course today when I was home with him).  He's still sleeping on the mattress on the floor and I'm debating on moving him to his crib converted to a toddler bed.  I'm going to wait it out for another week or two and see what happens as those teeth pop through.  It's still really convenient to hop onto the mattress with him when he wakes up for milk and sometimes stay there with him when he's in pain and can't sleep.  Our bed is in a temporary holding pattern as well.  In the new house, our bedroom is upstairs and Nate's is downstairs, fairly far away.  So right now we have our mattress on the floor in the small room directly across from Nate's room, Dan's office.  I'm actually sleeping really well on it but it's cramming Dan's space.  Like I said, I'm going to wait it out for a little longer and reevaluate in a week or two.

We got the go ahead to give Nate whole milk a little earlier than usual.  I had a couple days in a row of incredibly low supply so I called the doctor.  I didn't see a point in trying to force the formula issue and then switch over to whole milk in a month when Nate turns a year old.  I was expecting the doctor to suggest that we wait but they actually were completely on board.  So we gave him his first cow's milk Thursday night, 1.5 oz before his usual bedtime bottle.  He had about 6 oz spread throughout the day on Friday and only a few ounces today.  I'm going to keep nursing and pumping for at least a couple weeks to see if his night feedings stop once those teeth break through (that's what happened last time he had the bottom teeth coming in).

I've come to figure out that things work themselves out.  Right when I start to worry about something, it works out and then there's something else to worry about.  So I've stopped worrying.  He's not going to be waking up forever and he's only going to be little for so long.  I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

We are mostly moved in, just have pictures to hang and a few little things to organize.  My Mom, step Dad, and brother are moving in next weekend so there will be boxes all over the place again but I won't look at them with the pressure of knowing that I have to unload them.  Once they are all settled we will start baby proofing and organizing the garage.  Before we know it, we're going to have to plan Nate's birthday party.  We already have ideas and a theme and I've ordered the invitations!

It's going to be a busy household with five adults and a baby but we definitely have the space and I'm going to enjoy having my little brother around so much for a few months before he moves in the summer.

Oh, and Nate's 11 months old today!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's Been Quite a While...

...but life has been pretty insane for the last five and a half weeks. We accepted an offer on our house at the end of March (I'm sure I've written since then) and a few days later I realized that we started escrow four years to the date after we closed escrow when we bought our house. We started looking for a new place to live pretty quickly. And we searched, and searched, and searched. We didn't end up signing a lease on a new place until a day before we closed escrow. Fortunately we built in three days after we closed to move out. We are now residents of Newport Beach, very close to Hoag hospital. The move has added about 10 minutes to my commute, less than I expected.

Anyway, now I'll write about the kid because I know that's why you're here. Nate has perfected the army crawl and moves around pretty quickly. He's also beginning to pull himself up to his feet. He's taken a few crawl-steps and gets up on his knees really well but isn't great at crawling on his hands and knees. He has a lot more space now in the new house so he's going to get even better at getting around.

He has started doing some funny, cute habits. He really likes playing with my locket necklace. Dan bought it for me for our anniversary right after Nate was born; it says "Nathan" on one side and his birthday on the other. I have a picture of him in it and plan on putting a locket of hair when we do his first hair cut. I have worn it or had it with me (in my pocket on a busy day when I forgot to actually put it on) every time that I've been away from him for more than a short time. I plan on giving it to his future wife.

He is also obsessed with rubbing eyebrows, most often when he is dozing off. He will put his hand to my face and rub my eyebrow over and over with his thumb. He also likes playing with my eyelashes at times, which worries me about getting my eyeball scratched but I always squint pretty hard to be sure to avoid that.

Nate was sleeping in our bed for the majority of the time that we were in escrow. He had started waking up in the middle of the night in his crib and not going back to sleep unless he was in our bed. We figured there was no point in sleep training if we were going to be moving and getting him adjusted to a new room and a new house. Since we've moved, Nate has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor in his room. I slept with him for the first week. The next two nights, he slept alone until about 1 am, woke up to eat, and wouldn't sleep without me so I stayed in that bed until I got up for the day. Last night, I fed him, he fell asleep, and slept in his bed alone until he woke up in the morning. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen again tonight or anytime soon but I'm glad that we are seeing progress!

He's been waking up for one nursing session as long as we've been here. I'm not sure what's going on but I know he's actually drinking a lot. He has also stopped drinking much of anything during the day so I think that he's making up for it in the middle of the night. He has only had one bottle for the last two days at daycare. Liana tries to give him milk but he has no interest. He's still got wet diapers and his poops haven't been changed so I'm not worried. But I'm thinking of calling the doctor and asking if I should offer him cow's milk or almond milk to see if he'll drink more of something else. He's usually pretty good about drinking water or watered down juice but Liana said he hasn't even been doing much of that lately.

 Anyway, I'm going to sign off for now and expect to log on once a week again now that things are settling down.