Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 20: January 23-29

Wow, I can't believe we're halfway! Baby is now the size of a cataloupe, about 6.5 in long from head to rump and weighing about 10.6 oz. The baby's taste buds are developed and studies show that she will respond best to tastes she's already been exposed to via amniotic fluid. Time to eat lots of vegetables. Oh, and mushrooms and Mexican. I've gotta have somebody on my side! If they are going to happen, I can look forward to stretch marks beginning to develop soon.

Monday, January 24, 2011 ~ I'm a little overwhelmed with our to-do list over the next several months. I've had a few busy weeks in a row and really just want some time to do nothing; I know we won't have much of that for a long time starting this summer. But things must be done. I think we're going to subscribe to Consumer Reports online so that we can use it to research strollers, car seats, etc. Dan's going to look into that tomorrow. Regsitering is going to be a fairly large task, I think. I also need to start looking for birth classes. Hoag has several classes that I'd like to take including a breastfeeding class and a baby safety class. I don't know that I want to take their "Prepare for Labor Class" though because I know I'll get more out of a natural birth class. I plan on discussing options with my doctor when I see him in two weeks. And we need to start interviewing pediatricians soon. We both agree that we'll meet with Sean & Sandi's pediatrician and, unless we get a bad vibe, we'll go with him or her. However if Sean & Sandi like him I'm sure we will, too. They gave us our dentist recommendation when we moved here and we are both very happy there! Ugh, and finding daycare is going to be the most emotionally challenging thing I think. Oh boy, quite a to-do list!

Friday, January 28, 2011 ~ Oh the milestones: two nights ago I got my first crazy pregnancy Charley Horse, last night baby was kicking a lot stronger, and today might be the beginning of my first pregnancy cold. Well, at least one of them was fun!

Who knew that wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-Charley-Horses were a pregnancy symptom? I didn't think I'd get any because I'm exercising, stretching, and eating a lot of bananas but I guess I was wrong.

I know that the baby's kicking is going to get a lot stronger from here but last night was quite remarkable; the kicks were a lot stronger than what I've felt up to this point.

I'm not sure if I have a cold or my allergies are finally kicking up after all of the wind but it really doesn't matter; the only thing I can take is Claritin anyway. I started feeling yucky last night and then woke up in the middle of the night with a very sore throat. After drinking some water it felt much better when I woke up but I still just didn't feel right. Throughout the day I've begun to feel worse. I took Claritin, which helped, but of course it made me groggy like always. I'm hoping that rest this weekend will make this yucky feeling go away for good!

In the last few days I've found out there will be some changes to my schedule when we start the new semester on Tuesday. First, Wednesday I found out that one of my Basic Algebra classes (the third semester of Basic Algebra) was going to switch to a Precalculus class, which meant I was going to have only one low level class period! Then yesterday I found out that the remaining low level class was going to change to the lowest level class on campus. Ugh! Kids who failed the first semester of Basic Algebra at least one time. I will be the first to admit that I am not the best teacher for these kids. I just don't know how to connect with them because I don't understand them in the slightest. I can understand the ones who struggle and come in for help, do their homework to get their grade up as much as possible, and try. But the other 50% (or more) who do absolutely nothing and don't have any drive... I just don't get it! Monday is a professional growth day during which we have meetings all day long. I'm hoping that I can get some planning done without staying too late afterwards.

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