Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 18: January 9-15

Baby's now the size of a sweet potato with a head to rump length of 5.6 inches and a weight of 6.7 oz, although based on our last ultrasound baby already weighs more than that. She is moving around a ton, hiccuping, yawning, punching, kicking, twisting, rolling, sucking, and swallowing. My center of gravity is changing and hormones are loosening up my ligaments and joints.

Saturday, January 15, 2011 ~ Man oh man it's been a busy week. But now I have a three day weekend and time to start working on baby's room and go furniture shopping! I've experienced a fun, new pregnancy symptom this week. After having more sodium than I probably should (darn restaurants!), I got a cankle and a pretty swollen foot on the right side. Yesterday I was actually limping as I walked to my car because the pooled fluids hurt so badly. Dan was nice enough to help try to rub some of the fluid out of my ankle and this morning it feels much better, although I gained a pound and a half overnight from retaining all of this water. Now I am very apprehensive about eating out at all.

I had a couple nightmares last night, one about what's happening to my body. In the dream, things were far worse and VERY ugly. I have been having the classic pregnancy vivid dreams for a long time now but not really any nightmares until last night.

Overall I'm still feeling really good and am sleeping so much better than a couple weeks ago. My appetite has decreased again but I've been wanting a lot of sweets in the evening.

I haven't felt the baby as much this week but I think it's because I haven't been still as often as last week. She's still not decisively kicking so I have to be still to feel it. Last night I felt a pretty good bump from the outside, although now that I think about it that might have been a dream. She must know I'm "talking" about her because all of a sudden I'm feeling a little movement.

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