Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 21: January 30-February 5

Baby is now the size of a banana. For the remainder of the pregnancy, measurements are now taken from head to toe as opposed to head to rump. Head to toe, baby is about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 oz. Eyebrows and lids are present now. If the baby is a girl, she has a lifetime supply of eggs; presently she has 6 million but this number will decrease to 1 million by birth. The baby's digestive system is creating meconium, a tarry black substance that will make the first diaper changes quite fun.

Sunday, January 30, 2011 ~ I didn't meet my exercise goal last week. I walked twice for a total of 10 miles and planned on taking my last walk Friday or Saturday, however got sick Thursday night. Based on still not feeling well today and my schedule this week, I'm not going to meet my exercise goal again. I'm okay with that. I'm certainly not going to push myself when I'm not feeling well. I know I'll get two walks in this week so maybe when I am feeling better I'll try for 6 mile walks instead of 5 miles.

I'm looking forward to our last ultrasound on Tuesday. I'm hoping that the ultrasound tech will take some time with us despite the doctor's orders only asking for a view of the outflows of the heart. We didn't get a good look at the baby last time because he was so active and since this is probably our last one (barring complications), I'd really like to get one last good look. Neither of us want to get a 3D ultrasound. A few of my friends have paid to get them done but we both feel like it would just ruin the surprise. We want everything to be revealed on the baby's birthday!

This week we will start researching items for the registry. Dan got us a Consumer Reports online membership so that we can do this. I hope to have the registry complete by the end of February. I went to the Baby Depot at Burlington Coat Factory on Thursday and was quite overwhelmed! I guess we'll just take it one thing at a time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 ~ We had our last ultrasound yesterday. Four weeks ago the tech couldn't get good pictures of the heart so we had to go back yesterday. This was a quick appointment and the tech kept the pictures from the waist up to make certain that there would be no surprise ruining for us. He got very clear pictures of the heart this time and we saw the baby have some little hiccups again as well as a cute profile picture. The baby's a fiesty one I think - he punched upward and both the tech and I saw and felt it. I think he was saying, "Get that loud noise out of my womb!"

I'm still pretty congested and the crazy wind is not helping anything out. I haven't exercised since last Wednesday. If the wind has calmed down tomorrow, I hope to walk 3.5 miles and then hope to feel well enough by Saturday to walk 5 or 6. My appetite is virtually nonexistent. I'm sure it has to do with the congestion.

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