Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby Belly Made for an Interesting Christmas Morning

After a few weeks of feeling pretty good with very little nausea and a good week or so of having more energy, we had a little blunder on Christmas morning.

I woke up starving, as I had several mornings in a row (and later found out that the little bubs is going through a growth spurt) so I had a banana and a couple tangerines to tide me over before breakfast at Dad's. I was pretty tired because I hadn't slept well two nights in a row so I made a little coffee to take for the ride. We took my car and everything was going really well... until we were about halfway to my Dad's.

On the freeway after a few sips of coffee I started feeling a little queasy. I rolled down the windows and took deep breaths, thinking it would go away. I started feeling a little worse but really didn't think I was actually going to throw up. I started to merge from the fast lane towards the right shoulder and should have known things were bad when I had a hard time staying in the lanes as I moved over. Before I could get stopped, things got ugly. I'll spare you the details. I stopped on the shoulder and immediately started bawling; "What am I going to do?!" Dan immediately jumped into action and grabbed a blanket from the trunk to clean up a bit, then we headed back home. While I got cleaned up, Dan cleaned the car and I had some corn chips (the closest thing to crackers that we had at the house).

We headed back out and after nibbling on some corn chips and slowly eating breakfast at my Dad's, I started to feel much better. Once I finally got fully rehydrated by the afternoon and had another meal, I felt good. Overall, we just had a glitch in the morning and it was still a good day - probably one of the most memorable Christmas mornings I've had in a while.

I think the acid of the tangerines and the few sips of coffee was just too much on a very empty stomach! We keep joking that it was good practice for Dan, cleaning up baby messes.

Week 16: December 26-January 1

Baby K is now the size of an avocado; about 4.5 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. He is going through a growth spurt. In the next few weeks he will double his weight and add inches to his length. (I've been saying he must be going through a growth spurt for a few days because I've been a ton hungrier and it was confirmed when I got my weekly email updates.) His heart pumps 25 quarts of blood a day! Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in and toe nails are developing. And he can now hear! Maybe he'll pick up some Calculus when I go back to work next week. I am supposed to start experiencing some benefits - quicker growing hair and nails, smooth and firm skin, and a healthy glow - but after my breakout last week who knows?

Monday, December 27, 2010 ~ Dan and I have a date tonight to discuss names. At this point, I just want to get a list of a few for each gender that we both really like. I don't know if I want to narrow it down to one name until we've met the baby. We might pick a name and then meet the baby and decide it's not right. He's not a Gorgonzola, she's not a Vinaigrette. (If you don't know the story, I'll have to tell you sometime.)

I'm also thinking more about the baby's room. I know that we want a bassinet in our room for a while when the baby is born but I'm seriously considering putting the crib in our room for the first year or so. If the baby's room were just a door away, like in most houses, I wouldn't even consider it, but down the hall and up the stairs several times in the middle of the night just doesn't sound fun. Also, I'm not sure what we'll do for heat upstairs. If you haven't been to our house, we have a little beach cottage in Huntington Beach with a standing heater near our bedroom. But it gets pretty cold upstairs. Any opinions out there?

I've been feeling the baby move a lot more over the last week. It's still not a distinct kick but I feel pretty certain that it's the baby moving around in there. Most things I've read say I won't feel him until this week but I think I've felt everything from a flutter to a bubble to a little push for at least a month now. I can't wait for Dan to be able to feel the baby! I'm also excited to feel that first distinct kick.

I have been much more hungry over the last 5 days to a week and was relieved to read that the baby is going through a growth spurt when I got my weekly email update. With the exception of last night, I've woken up at least once every night for about a week feeling so hungry that I couldn't fall back asleep until I ate something. Some days I eat and eat and don't ever feel full. I'm glad that it's not as bad as the week early in the pregnancy (week 5?) when I felt desperately starved no matter what I ate. This week I just don't ever feel satisfied but I'm only starving when I don't eat for a few hours.

I'm hoping not to gain a ton of weight with all of this eating but now that I'm able to get some exercise maybe it will balance out. I'm walking and doing some light upper body weights. This week I'm hoping to walk 16-20 miles and next week, when I'm back at work, I have a goal of walking at least 4 times per week, maybe 5, and about 3-4 miles per walk depending on how much time I have.

Well, my belly's telling me it's time to eat so I guess I'm signing off for now!

Saturday, January 1, 2011 ~ Happy New Year!

I didn't meet my 20 mile goal this week; I walked 16 miles. The day I skipped was a rough day. I woke up at 4:18 am to use the restroom and couldn't fall asleep. It felt like I had drank 10 lattes and was wired. At 6 am, when I finally gave up on sleep and moved out to the couch, I started bawling uncontrollably for about 10 minutes. Oh, the hormones! When I told Dan about it later, he said I should have woken him up. I told him that if I was crying over something serious I would have, but this was just silly.

Remember when I tore a muscle in my left shoulder about 6 years ago when I sneezed while on the elliptical machine? Well, somehow the injury has come back even though I haven't done anything to injure it. My only guess is that all of the hormones that are loosening up my ligaments to help make room for the bubs have caused it. I was debating on going to my GP this week but I know he's going to put me in a sling and I really don't want to be in a sling. If it just came back out of nowhere, why would I think that after I stop using the sling it won't come back again. I'll ask my OB/GYN at my appointment next Tuesday.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 15: December 19-25

The baby is now the size of a navel orange, approximately 4 inches long and weighs about 2.5 ounces. Hair on her eyebrows and head is growing and her legs are now longer than her arms. All four limbs have working joints now, too. Her bones are hardening and retaining calcium. Although her eyelids are still fused together, she can now sense light.

Sunday, December 19, 2010 ~ I don't think I mentioned it but at my appointment on Tuesday I asked the doctor about my small appetite. He said not to worry, the baby is quite a good parasite. I have been joking about it all week and woke up feeling the effects of a parasite growing in my body. I don't think I had enough water yesterday and also could have probably eaten more. I woke up feeling like I was getting a cold but after a few glasses of water and a meal, I felt much better and just had a headache to contend with.

Yesterday I finally got some exercise. I went for a 3 mile walk and actually jogged for 6 blocks. Right away my knees were screaming at me and after about 5 blocks, my leg muscles said they were done so I walked the rest. I'm looking forward to doing some upper body weights over my break to get some definition back in my arms.

I might be getting my appetite back although it's only been two days so we'll have to wait and see. Yesterday I had an amazing petite filet at Seasons 52 with Jess. I think I'm lacking protein or iron because red meat has been far more appealing than normal lately. Jessica got the baby her first gift and I started crying at the table - the cutest little duck pajamas, wash clothes, and a hooded towel. It definitely made this whole thing more real. We're going to have a little human that will fit in those pajamas in 6 months!

I don't think I mentioned that I've actually been cooking a little bit. It's nice to be able to eat a larger variety of foods, although I'm still more limited than before my pregnancy. I still can't stand the thought of bell peppers, which I don't understand.

I had a massage yesterday and when I laid on the table, it felt like the baby did a somersault or two to adjust. I can't be sure but I think I've felt the baby move several times over the last few weeks. Carrying the baby has been harder on my body than I expected but the most important thing to me is that she has a calm, healthy enviroment to live in for 9 months.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 ~ Baby K must be going through a growth spurt or something because I am starving! I had a week at the beginning of the pregnancy during which nothing I ate filled me up: fat, protein, fiber, etc. I'm hoping I'm not going to experience that again because I gained a lot of weight that week (and subsequently lost most of it, but I don't see that happening at this point in the pregnancy). So far, I've been feeling this starvation for about a full day. This morning I'm trying fiber (oatmeal) and protein (peanut butter and milk). I think I'll make a beef chili for dinner to try to increase the protein even more. I'm still very weary of whole grain bread because it made me so sick earlier on but I know I should try to incorporate it back into my diet soon.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 14: December 12-18

The baby is now the size of a lemon, about 3.5 inches long and weighs about 1.5 ounces. A fuzzy layer of fine hair, called lanugo, is beginning to coat her entire body. Internally, the liver is starting to secrete bile and the spleen is helping produce red blood cells. As the brain continues to mature, she can make different facial expressions and may even react when someone gives my belly a little poke.

Sunday, December 12, 2010 ~ Tuesday we had our second ultrasound. The baby looks like a baby even though the head is still disproportionately large. The body and arms will grow more proportional to the head this week but it will be a few weeks before the legs get there. We saw and heard the baby's heartbeat and saw her moving her little mouth quite a bit. It was absolutely amazing! The tech said she could check for gender without a ton of accuracy but we still don't want to find out.

Wednesday I mailed out the Christmas cards announcing the baby and Thursday I got lots of fun texts and emails. I also told work this week. I walked into the principal's office and my department chair's classroom and told them I wanted to show them a really cool picture, then showed them a picture from the ultrasound. I wasn't sure when I was going to tell my students until one of my coworkers told me that some of my students have been suspicious for a while. I decided to wear my "I'm so crafty, I make people" t-shirt on Thursday. It was a lot of fun telling people and I'm so relieved that I don't have to hide my belly anymore. Although apparently I wasn't doing a good job of it - in each class period 5-6 students said they were suspicious that I was pregnant!

I think I have definitely "popped" over the last few days. I'm nervous to try on work pants tomorrow. I have been wearing a few pairs of "fat pants" over the last several weeks and they fit just fine. For the last 3-4 days, since I've popped, I've been wearing maternity pants so who knows if my fat pants will fit anymore.

Also, over the last three days I think I've felt the baby move a few times. Everything I read says I won't be able to feel the baby until 15 weeks but I've been feeling things that I've never felt before. Friday morning was a very distinct rumble and today I felt several flutters in the same spot over a couple minutes.

Tuesday is my monthly doctor appointment. I think it will be uneventful: pee, weight, and hear the heartbeat. Of course, hearing the heartbeat never gets old. In fact, we recorded video of the ultrasound with my new iPhone and I've watched it over and over. Should be a pretty uneventful few months. I should definitively feel the baby soon and for the remainder of the pregnancy. A few weeks after that, Dan should be able to feel kicks from the outside. We will have another ultrasound between 18 and 20 weeks for a full anatomy check and I will continue with regular monthly doctor appointments. I read that I should have my energy back at the beginning of the second trimester, which was a week ago. Hasn't happened quite yet. My bedtime is still around 9:30 pm and I'm pretty wiped out from the early afternoon for the rest of the day.

Next week, when I'm off work, I'll post more pictures and see if I can post the video of the ultrasound.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 ~ Uneventful appointment, as expected. I've only gained a pound in the four weeks since I last saw the doctor. I know the weight gain will pick up but am glad to have it under control despite still not really working out. Since I keep reading that I should get my energy back anytime now, I don't see the point in pushing myself when I'm exhausted. However if I don't get my energy back soon, I think I'll get back to exercise and just do the best I can.

I have the last blood draw for the chromosomal screening coming up sometime in the next two weeks (I'll probably do it next week when I'm off of work), an ultrasound in three weeks, and my monthly doctor appt in four weeks. The doctor said the next ultrasound is the fun one; they examine the baby from head to toe!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 13: December 5-11

We are now a peach! And the baby is covered in peach fuzz, too. The baby is almost 3 in long and weighs about an ounce. The body is fully formed although the head is still disproportionately large. And fingerprints are formed! If the baby is a girl, she already has over 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Pretty amazing! Most say I am now at the beginning of the second trimester although some give it an additional week.

Sunday, December 5, 2010 ~ I feel like a new woman! I've had almost a full week with very little nausea. The second trimester headaches that I've read about started several days ago but compared to the nausea, they've been easy! Surprisingly, Tylenol, which is the only thing I can take, has helped considerably (I used to have to take Excedrin to make a dent in headaches). I've also read that a little bit of caffeine helps and my doctor has said a glass or two of coffee per day is fine. So far, I've just had about half a cup of coffee or a can of soda.

I'm no longer worthless on weekends, which is also great! Yesterday we ran around and did a bunch of errands. We finally picked up Dan's birthday cuff links, I got a new phone (finally a smart phone!), I got my first maternity pants, and we spent some time at the Sawdust Festival and saw Mom's booth. Today, while Dan was at softball, I got some laundry done, cleaned up the kitchen, and started decorating for Christmas. It's so nice to do something besides lay on the couch in front of the TV feeling sick all weekend.

I got our Christmas cards in the mail on Friday. They look sooo good! The timing has worked out so well to use them as an announcement of our pregnancy. I'll post a picture soon. I can't wait to mail them out Wednesday morning and let everybody know. Dan and I generally aren't Christmas picture card people unless there are kids involved, which explains the reason I didn't include our heads in the picture. Dan's only sending cards to his parents. It's "not his style." When I got them in the mail I told him he better not look at them; they're so cute that he might change his mind!

My appetite is still really small. Today I wasn't even hungry for snacks in between meals. For the most part, I'm eating healthfully with a few treats here and there. I still have only gained 2 pounds and am really happy that I've been able to keep that low through the first trimester. I've read that starting soon (now?) I'll gain a pound a week. Hopefully I'll be able to start walking and lifting light weights soon to keep some muscle tone throughout the pregnancy.

Monday, December 6, 2010 ~ I'm just starting to feel different in the womb-region today. I was wondering when that would happen. It finally feels like there's something down there.

Despite being able to eat more, I'm so gaggy! I gag so much more now than I did when I was nauseated all of the time and it's getting really annoying! Smells are really making me gag and sometimes I have no idea why, I just gag.

I've been wanting a lot of fruit, which is unusual for me. I'm usually more of a veggie person. I wish I was craving protein because I don't generally eat a lot and I've read that I should be eating more than normal. I've been trying to eat hard boiled eggs and chicken as much as possible, as well as a little cheese here and there. Beans and beef are too hard to digest but I'm going to try to incorporate beef occasionally because I know it's a very good source of protein. I'm glad that my body will give up what it needs to support the baby. It's only fair, right?

I'm telling you, I definitely already have pregnancy brain. Earlier in this post I typed "semester" instead of trimester and just now I typed that beef is a good source of fiber instead of protein. Today when sixth period was leaving I told them to have a good weekend. That's just a few examples; things like this are happening VERY regularly. I'm losing my mind!