Monday, December 27, 2010

Week 16: December 26-January 1

Baby K is now the size of an avocado; about 4.5 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. He is going through a growth spurt. In the next few weeks he will double his weight and add inches to his length. (I've been saying he must be going through a growth spurt for a few days because I've been a ton hungrier and it was confirmed when I got my weekly email updates.) His heart pumps 25 quarts of blood a day! Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in and toe nails are developing. And he can now hear! Maybe he'll pick up some Calculus when I go back to work next week. I am supposed to start experiencing some benefits - quicker growing hair and nails, smooth and firm skin, and a healthy glow - but after my breakout last week who knows?

Monday, December 27, 2010 ~ Dan and I have a date tonight to discuss names. At this point, I just want to get a list of a few for each gender that we both really like. I don't know if I want to narrow it down to one name until we've met the baby. We might pick a name and then meet the baby and decide it's not right. He's not a Gorgonzola, she's not a Vinaigrette. (If you don't know the story, I'll have to tell you sometime.)

I'm also thinking more about the baby's room. I know that we want a bassinet in our room for a while when the baby is born but I'm seriously considering putting the crib in our room for the first year or so. If the baby's room were just a door away, like in most houses, I wouldn't even consider it, but down the hall and up the stairs several times in the middle of the night just doesn't sound fun. Also, I'm not sure what we'll do for heat upstairs. If you haven't been to our house, we have a little beach cottage in Huntington Beach with a standing heater near our bedroom. But it gets pretty cold upstairs. Any opinions out there?

I've been feeling the baby move a lot more over the last week. It's still not a distinct kick but I feel pretty certain that it's the baby moving around in there. Most things I've read say I won't feel him until this week but I think I've felt everything from a flutter to a bubble to a little push for at least a month now. I can't wait for Dan to be able to feel the baby! I'm also excited to feel that first distinct kick.

I have been much more hungry over the last 5 days to a week and was relieved to read that the baby is going through a growth spurt when I got my weekly email update. With the exception of last night, I've woken up at least once every night for about a week feeling so hungry that I couldn't fall back asleep until I ate something. Some days I eat and eat and don't ever feel full. I'm glad that it's not as bad as the week early in the pregnancy (week 5?) when I felt desperately starved no matter what I ate. This week I just don't ever feel satisfied but I'm only starving when I don't eat for a few hours.

I'm hoping not to gain a ton of weight with all of this eating but now that I'm able to get some exercise maybe it will balance out. I'm walking and doing some light upper body weights. This week I'm hoping to walk 16-20 miles and next week, when I'm back at work, I have a goal of walking at least 4 times per week, maybe 5, and about 3-4 miles per walk depending on how much time I have.

Well, my belly's telling me it's time to eat so I guess I'm signing off for now!

Saturday, January 1, 2011 ~ Happy New Year!

I didn't meet my 20 mile goal this week; I walked 16 miles. The day I skipped was a rough day. I woke up at 4:18 am to use the restroom and couldn't fall asleep. It felt like I had drank 10 lattes and was wired. At 6 am, when I finally gave up on sleep and moved out to the couch, I started bawling uncontrollably for about 10 minutes. Oh, the hormones! When I told Dan about it later, he said I should have woken him up. I told him that if I was crying over something serious I would have, but this was just silly.

Remember when I tore a muscle in my left shoulder about 6 years ago when I sneezed while on the elliptical machine? Well, somehow the injury has come back even though I haven't done anything to injure it. My only guess is that all of the hormones that are loosening up my ligaments to help make room for the bubs have caused it. I was debating on going to my GP this week but I know he's going to put me in a sling and I really don't want to be in a sling. If it just came back out of nowhere, why would I think that after I stop using the sling it won't come back again. I'll ask my OB/GYN at my appointment next Tuesday.

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