Tuesday, April 10, 2012

So Much to Write!

I'm not feeling a long post in me tonight but I'm going to try to write about as much as possible because my list is long. And I still have "b, r, w" on the list and still have no idea what it was supposed to mean!

Nate has been growing longer and leaner. I looked at pictures from shortly after I went back to work and I can't believe how much of a chubbers he was! He definitely still has baby fat but is much leaner than he was. He still has his pterodactyl yell but doesn't use it as often. The other day I put him on the floor right before we went out the door so that I could grab something and he was getting frustrated and yelling. I couldn't figure out what was going on and then I realized that he was only able to move backward because he had socks on and couldn't get any traction with his feet. He is also still doing his silly little lip blowing where he sucks his lower lip in and then blows it out. It's pretty cute!

As I mentioned above, Nate is getting around quite a bit. He's able to completely get up on his knees or his hands and feet (if he doesn't have socks on) and is pretty adept at army crawling. He can turn around completely on his butt or on his tummy and is pro at sliding backward to get where he wants to go. He is also very good at getting up from laying down to a sitting position, either from laying on his tummy or his back. He took his first crawl-step on April 4; he got completely on his knees and took one knee forward before he went to his tummy.

I've noticed that he uses his feet kind of like hands. He tries to grab things with his feet or move things around with them. It's kind of funny! I guess we grow out of that once we get longer and it becomes easier to reach things with our hands?

The other day when I was putting him to sleep he grabbed my hand, moved it to his face, and made me rub his cheek. It was so adorable. He often rubs his tummy with my hand when he has a tummy ache but this was the first time he did it to his cheek. And speaking of adorable, about a week ago as I was walking Nate up to daycare I told him that I had to leave him there later than usual and he put his head on my shoulder. Liana answered the door and usually he turns his head from wherever he's looking but he kept his head down until I spun him around to see her and even then, it took him a few seconds to raise it. I don't know what the chances are that he understood what I was saying but maybe he understood that I was sad to be leaving him. He was such a snuggler!

Alright, I'm going to be done for now. Hopefully I will write again soon but I have a feeling things are going to be hectic for several weeks. We are in escrow on our house; the buyers are supposed to be removing the appraisal, loan, and inspection contingencies today or tomorrow and we should close on April 20 with three days after that to move. But... we don't have anywhere to move to. We have been looking at rentals regularly but there's not a lot on the market and nothing that we've seen has been what we're looking for. We are both a bit gun shy about buying again. So between house hunting, packing, and moving, I don't know how much time I'll have to blog.

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