Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 35: May 8-14

Baby now weighs over 5.5 pounds and is approximately 20 inches long. From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department; most of his basic physical development is now complete. He'll put on about a pound of fat before birth but won't get much longer. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products.

Saturday, May 14, 2011 ~ Monday: work 7:30 am - 6 pm. Tuesday: work 7:30 am - 7:15 pm; woke up at 2:29 am and didn't fall back asleep until 4:45ish. Wednesday: work 7:30 am - 8:15 pm. Thursday: 36 week appt at 3:30 pm; breastfeeding class 7-9 pm. Friday: visitor from New Jersey. It's been a very long week (hence the weekly post at the end of the week)! My body handled the late nights well until Thursday. Thursday and Friday I had many long contractions throughout the day. I'm expecting them to slow down or stop now that I'm done with work. I have also been slightly crampy all week, which I think is a sign that my cervix is beginning to thin out and might be starting to dilate, which is pretty normal around this time I think.

Dan came with me to my 36 week appointment so that we could discuss labor and also because I thought the doctor was going to check me for dilation and effacement this week, which I was really excited about, but he said he won't start until next week. I'll be seeing the doctor every week from now on. He is happy that I'm keeping an open mind about pain management. Also, when I asked about holding off on artificially breaking my water and avoiding pitocin, he was completely open to it. I've read that when those two things happen, the contractions get far more intense and it is more difficult to labor naturally. Now, if I end up with an epidural he can break and pitocin away! So it sounds like we're all on the same page, which is reassuring. Dan's a little nervous about knowing how to support me. For example, he's not sure if he should mention an epidural at all or, if I ask for one, he's not sure if he should try to talk me out of it because he knows I want a natural birth. I told him that he should not bring it up; if I want one, I'll bring it up. But if I bring it up towards the end of labor, he should try to talk me out of it. I've read that many women get so close to the end and think they can't do it anymore but once they power through, they get an energy surge and do wonderfully.

I plan on taking it easy over the weekend and doing absolutely nothing on Monday, then I will begin to tackle my to do list on Tuesday. I'm definitely going to take my time with the list and not work as hard as I did over Spring Break. I'm looking forward to some time off of work but it hasn't quite hit me that I am officially off for the summer. Also I found out that one of the ladies who retired from Fountain Valley two years ago might be interested in taking my classes for a few weeks in the Fall!

My students have been very sweet since they found out I was pregnant but especially over the last week or two. Several of them came up to me as they were leaving yesterday and thanked me for the time and dedication that I put into teaching and to wish me and the baby well. I used to think that teaching is a thankless job but I swear the kids at Fountain Valley are different than any I've ever had before. I was surprised by their gratitude last year, also. It hasn't quite hit me yet but I'm definitely going to miss teaching, especially while I'm home alone before the baby arrives.

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