Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 34: May 1-7

Baby is almost 20 inches long and weighs almost 5 pounds. His hair continues to get longer and thicker and his hair color is probably not going to be the same color from birth onwards. Baby is shedding most of his lanugo, the fine, downy hair covering his body, but the amount of vernix caseosa is increasing. Vernix caseosa is the creamy coating that keeps baby's skin safe while in this long bath he's been taking. We have 42 days left!

Sunday, May 1, 2011 ~ Sleep has been hot and cold over the last few days. I am definitely getting up more to go to the bathroom so I need to really focus on getting my water intake up earlier in the day and drink less in the evening. I have also been hungry in the middle of the night. Fat really seems to be the only thing that keeps me full through the night. I also wake up many times throughout the night to change positions. If I lay on either side too long, my hip begins to hurt; if I lay on my back to long, my spine hurts. Generally I've been able to roll to a new position and fall right back asleep but sometimes it's not so easy.

My yoga instructor suggests taking it easier during these next two weeks to build up strength for "the big event". With a slightly less busy schedule, I think I'll be able to walk more often for shorter distances. I'll also take things easier during yoga.

This week is going to be all about prepping for the five weeks that I'll be out on maternity leave (only two weeks to go!). I have always said it's more work to miss a day of work then it is to actually go in; this is going to be a large task to get ready for five weeks. I have been working on it slowly throughout the last month or so but still have A LOT to do! We have our last natural birth class on Monday and I am very excited about Wednesday - my Calculus students will take their AP Exam. They did very well on the Mock AP Exam that they took two weeks ago, actually far better than I expected.

Next weekend we are taking our last weekend getaway as a twosome. We are heading out to Palm Desert to relax by the pool with an umbrella drink... Oh, wait... I guess I can still have an umbrella in my drink!

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