Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 36: May 15-21

Baby now weighs about 6 pounds and is approximately 20.7 inches long. She is gaining about an ounce a day. Her face has filled out significantly and looks smooth and plump. Because she has powerful sucking muscles and has had layers of fat forming for quite some time now, her cheeks have filled out like a newborn's. Her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own. Next week she'll be considered full term.

Sunday, May 15, 2011 ~ Not much to write about considering I just posted for last week but meeting several new people last night got me wondering: do people tell all pregnant women that they look great? Or do they expect all pregnant women to look fat and bloated? Or do I just look great? :) I was at a former colleague's house for a BBQ and met a handful of people. Almost all of them asked when I am due and when they found out I only have four weeks left, they said how great I look. I have a feeling that most people expect someone who's eight months pregnant to look bloated and I have been pretty lucky in that department. I've had my days but usually after I make poor food choices.

I wanted to take my 36 week picture before we left to go to the BBQ but I lost track of time and we were running late. I'll have to take it and post it soon!

I am grateful to have had a mostly comfortable, uneventful pregnancy. The first months were rough but I definitely know that I didn't have it as rough as it could have been. I don't look forward to that experience again though. I can't say it enough: I sincerely believe that yoga has contributed to how good I have felt and plan on starting it much earlier in the next pregnancy.

Hopefully I'll have exciting news to post after my doctor's appointment on Thursday. I'm hoping for 2 cm dilated and 60-80% effaced. We'll see!

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