Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 38: May 29-June 4

Not a whole lot going on with baby from here on out. He weighs about 6.8 oz and is approximately 21 inches long.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 ~ Two days by the pool and two nights in a row of good sleep - I think I need to hang out in the sun every day for a while! Sunday we went to Shannon's parents' house for a Memorial Day BBQ. The house is in escrow so it's very likely that Sunday was the last day I'll ever be on the street that I grew up on. Yesterday was such a beautiful day; I joined Jessica and Doug by their pool all afternoon.

I'm having lots of contractions when I'm doing something but when I'm relaxing or not doing a whole lot, I have very few. In the five hours that I was at Shannon's, I had more contractions than I did in the five days prior. I think that the position I sit in makes a big difference, as well. Sitting at a 90 degree angle causes lots of contractions so I usually sit slightly reclined when I can. Dan went on a walk with me yesterday morning and, despite walking slower than I normally do, I had more contractions that were stronger than usual but they went away as soon as we finished our walk.

Besides sleeping well (relatively speaking) for two days and having more contractions when I'm active, I don't really feel any different so I don't think anything's going to be happening anytime soon.

Friday, June 3, 2011 ~ Yesterday's appointment was uneventful. The doctor said I'm almost 2 cm dilated and still 60% effaced. In the afternoon and evening I progressively got more and more uncomfortable with pretty severe cramps and lower back pain. I was having more intense contractions but not so much that I would describe them as painful. Trying different positions that we learned in our birth classes and sitting on the birth ball helped ease the discomfort a bit and eventually it just went away and I felt pretty normal again. Today, besides having a little more pressure than usual, I feel great. I'm assuming that the events of yesterday evening were all brought on by my exam at the doctor and because things are progressing (I didn't have any cramps after my exam last week). The doctor said I'm going in and out of the latent phase of labor and that sooner or later, I will go into it and progress instead of coming out of it. I've been having a few other signs that we are progressing but they are definitely TMI to write about here.

The doctor mentioned that I have a slightly narrow pelvis, which has me a bit worried. I'm hoping that my body has grown a baby that is small enough for me to birth without any complications. I guess we'll see how things go soon!

I almost wish that I didn't know my due date. I feel like I'm in a rush for baby to come but when I think about it, I don't mind having a few more days or a week with just Dan and I. Part of me really wants the baby to come as early as possible so that I'll have more time with him before I go back to work but really at this point we're talking about days, not weeks.

Sleep has been a bit more difficult lately. After being in the sun on Sunday and Monday I slept really well but Tuesday and Wednesday were a different story. I was tossing and turning on the couch, up several times to use the restroom, and awake earlier than I should have been to feel rested. I was up early this morning but slept better last night, probably because my body was tired from dealing with the cramps and back ache for 5 hours yesterday.

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