Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 7: October 28 - November 3

The baby is the size of a blueberry. The baby more than doubles in size this week. The legs and arm buds are longer now and have divided into segments where the hands and feet will form. The heart is bulging from the body and it has divided into right and left chambers.

Saturday, September 30, 2010 ~ We had our first ultrasound on Thursday! I drank the requisite amount of water an hour before the appointment but they were running late so by the time they got to me my bladder was actually too full for the technician to see anything. He told me to release half... how in the world am I supposed to know what half is? I didn't empty enough the first time and had to go back in. After some trial and error, he got some good pictures and I was able to see the baby's heartbeat almost immediately. It was pretty awesome! A strong 153 bpm. Everything's measuring right on schedule.

The nausea has persisted and just when I think I've figured out how to help it, it changes. It's still just an inconvenience, nothing that's making me miserable. The worst part is trying to figure out what I want to eat, especially for breakfast. It really is a chore that I wish I could avoid completely but the nausea is the worst when I don't eat for stretches of time.

I told Danielle last night. Since we had talked about trying so much together it didn't feel right to wait any longer to tell her, but I wanted to tell her in person and this was the first chance I had. We were getting together at her house for the Project Runway finale.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 ~ This week, toast with the crusts cut off topped with margarine seems to be my friend. Why can't I eat the crusts? I don't know. Any kind of seasoning is virtually impossible to stomach. The Trader Joe's version of apple Nutri Grain bars seems to be the perfect 2 am snack. I had 3-4 really bad days and then started eating them in the middle of the night; I've now had 2 ok days. The Trader Joe's carrot muffins have become my mid-morning snack. The other day I was so excited to have a bagel with cream cheese in the afternoon but it ended up being too flavorful. I've had a taste for lunchmeat still, too. I'm having a Jersey Mike's sub NOT made Mike's way tonight! The oregano and vinegar would just be too much. It's only turkey, mayo, and lettuce on a white roll. Sooooo not like me!

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