Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Sounds

I thought we were excited at the first appointment when the doctor said, "You definitely have a pregnant uterus." I thought we were excited when we saw the baby's heartbeat at our first ultrasound. That's nothing compared to the appointment yesterday.

First, the doctor told me that he's happy with the results of my last two blood draws; my progesterone is up and he is happy with where it's at. He said that things are looking really good, so good that it's as if I'm 11 weeks along.

The best part, though, was hearing the baby's heartbeat!!! I think both Dan and I got a little emotional upon hearing it and it has made this whole thing seem so much more real. There's a little person growing inside of me and he is going to look like Dan and I! (I don't think I've written this on here yet but I'm going to alternate genders.)

The doctor felt so good about things that he said I can stop the progesterone supplements and the weekly blood draws earlier than expected. I asked him when the end of the first trimester is because we're waiting to tell people. He said he actually wouldn't hesitate to tell people now because things look so good but that we might as well wait if we had planned on it. It's only a little while longer so we're both more comfortable waiting.

Such an exciting day!!!


  1. I WISH!!! I have so many food aversions that it's really difficult to eat at all. When I figure out what I want, that's it - I can't eat anything else. It's never consistent though. I've been enjoying bananas lately and have had the desire for protein over the last few days.
