Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 10: November 14-20

One site says the baby is now the size of a prune, another says it's the size of a plum. I like plums better than their dried up counterpart so I'm going with that. The baby is 1.25-1.7 inches long and weighs about 5 grams. The fingers and toes have separated and the tail is completely gone. Nearly a quarter of a million new neurons develop in the brain per minute! External genetalia are not apparent until next week but a male's testes will already start producing testosterone. The baby is moving quite a bit but at this point, it's not distinguishable from other things going on in my body. Check out this website that shows a sonogram of a baby boy and his movements at 10 weeks. Pretty incredible!

Sunday, November 14, 2010 ~ Enough about food and nausea. I'm going to leave it at this for the time being - I dread getting hungry.

Yesterday at my weekly weigh in I noticed that, in one week, I lost all of the 1.8 pounds I'd gained over the previous four weeks. Actually I'll be honest, most of the gain was pretty quick, probably during my starving phase, and I'd maintained a pretty consistent weight for about three weeks and then dropped. I was a little surprised but my small appetite over the last week probably explains it. I've read not to worry about weight loss in the first trimester and technically I am just back to where I started. Even after miso soup and salty edamame last night I was still down in weight this morning.

Dan and I are both really excited to see the doctor on Tuesday and hear the baby's heartbeat. I should also know the results of Thursday's blood draw and will talk to the doctor about where we're at with my progesterone level, how many more weeks I'll take the supplement, and how much longer I'll get weekly blood draws. I'm not sure if I've written this yet but it's my understanding that by the end of the first trimester, the placenta takes over most of the progesterone-producing duties and is more reliable than the ovaries.

Thinking about the external genetalia developing over the next week has me thinking about the baby in more human terms, a boy or a girl? I've been thinking about different aspects of having both and am getting more and more excited for this little one to join us. I've started writing down names for both genders that I like and Dan has a "Sweet 16"-like bracket idea for how we're going to pick the name. I'm not exactly sure how it's going to work but I'll give it a try.

Wednesday, November 17 ~ At our first ultrasound we were bumped up 4 days and yesterday at our appointment the doctor said that things look so good, it's as if I'm even further along. I'm hoping this means that the baby will come early so that I'll have as much time to spend with her as possible before the school year starts!

My body seems to be doing everything that it should. I got the first nosebleed of my life over the weekend and was caught quite off guard by it. Yesterday while waiting in the lobby for my appointment I read a book in the doctor's office and it actually said it's normal to get more nosebleeds during pregnancy. In addition, the doctor was pleased to hear that I'm not feeling well and have no energy. He said that he knows I don't enjoy it but it's a good sign.

I'm looking forward to a potential trip to get my first maternity clothes this weekend. The baby is still far too small for me to be showing but my stomach is so bloated that almost none of my pants fit. It's amazing that I've only gained about a pound but nothing fits!

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