Tuesday, February 28, 2012

That's Encouraging

I have been worried that we are raising a codependent child by allowing Nate to sleep in our bed and that he will never sleep an entire night in his crib, let alone sleep through the night like he was when he was four months old. Last night I got a little bit of encouragement. Nate went to sleep at 5:45 pm and slept in his crib without waking up until 5:48 am. Well, now that I think about it, he may have woken up after about 40 minutes and Dan went up, popped a paci in his mouth, and he conked right back out. I don't expect that the same will happen again tonight or anytime soon but I am encouraged that he is capable of doing it!

He is getting closer to crawling and pulling himself up. The other day I put him in his crib sitting up while I did something upstairs and he scooted himself over to the railing and grabbed on. We immediately dropped the mattress to it's lowest setting. He is constantly trying to pull himself up using my shoulders when I'm holding him. He is very adept at rolling to get places and is getting really good at scooting on his butt. Over the weekend I put him down on the floor in a nice open space near the kitchen while I cooked him a bunch of baby food and before I knew it, he was hugging the leg of the island.

Speaking of baby food, I made him some new combinations. He tried beets and apples over the weekend and really likes it. I also made him leeks to mix with peas, broccoli to mix with pears or apples, and corn to mix with sweet potatoes and apples. He hasn't tried any of the other mixtures because I'm waiting to have my Mom feed them to him on Thursday. He still isn't a fan of asparagus or avocado. I'm going to try to mix the asparagus with something he likes to make it more enticing but I'm not exactly sure what it would go with. Liana said he was gagging when she gave it to him at daycare today. And over the weekend I tried mixing avocado with banana but he didn't eat much on Sunday. I think he was a little blocked up from having had a bunch of apples.

After the apples and beets were a big success, my Mom and I came up with a good salad idea: greens with apple slices, beets, goat cheese, nuts, and balsamic vinaigrette. It was really good! All of these new combinations of food got me thinking; I should start a personal chef business for babies. I bet rich people in Newport Beach or Laguna would pay big bucks to have baby food made for their children with fresh, organic ingredients and new combinations that they can't find in stores.

I know that there's more I want to write about but I haven't been good about making notes when something comes to mind so I'm going to sign off for now.

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