Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Miss My Kiddo

This morning I was thinking back about four months ago before Nate ever got sick, when he was sleeping like a pro and going to bed at 7 pm. I used to get up at 5 am so that I'd be ready before he woke up and was able to spend some time with him before work. Now, we have breathing treatments in the morning that take 30 minutes so even if I am ready before he wakes up, like today, the time we spend together is diaper changing, feeding, dressing, and nebulizing. Also, I used to have several hours with him after work before he went to bed. Now, I'm lucky if I get more than 30 minutes with him before we have to start his breathing treatment at 4:30 pm. After that, it's cereal, bath, book, feeding, and bed around 6 pm. I really miss my kiddo and wish that working part time had come through for me! I'm still hopeful that it will work out in the Fall. It will be much easier from a scheduling standpoint on the school's end but we'll have to figure out if we can afford it on our end; I really want to cut down to 50% and be done at 11 am every day but I'm completely open to cutting down to 2/3 and being done at noon.

We are still waiting anxiously for an offer on our house. As sad as it makes me to leave the house that Dan and I came home to after getting married and the house that we brought Nate home from the hospital, we really need more space and a house with rooms that aren't so close to all of the kitchen and living room noise. The fact that Nate's room is completely open to the kitchen makes it impossible to get anything done after he goes to bed, which leaves a lot for Dan to do in the morning after we've left (and it leaves me waking up to a dirty kitchen every morning, which is a huge pet peeve). I am trying to enjoy our beach walks and my runs as much as possible before we move.

Speaking of running, I ran my first half marathon on Sunday. It had been a goal of mine after I ran my first 10K in February 2010 but I knew we were going to start trying to get pregnant a few months after that so I didn't want to start training for such a long distance. I decided to use my first half marathon as a get back into shape plan after having our first baby. Well, I overestimated how much time I'd have to train. Prior to two weeks ago, the longest run I was able to do was 5 miles. Two weeks ago my Mom and I did an 11 mile run/walk and I felt pretty good so I knew I'd be able to do the 13.1 on Super Bowl Sunday. It was a great experience and I plan to do it many times again! I was sore on Sunday but otherwise I've been feeling great afterward.

Alright, well I'm typing this at work so I've gotta keep it short. Hopefully I'll be able to check back in and give more of a Nate update later this week. He is growing so fast and learning so much!!!

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