Wednesday, August 31, 2011

General Update

Nate has started noticing the world around him much more. He has also become aware that his hands and arms are part of his body and he has control of their movements. He loves to sit and stare at them and move them slowly in front of his face. He's also in control of their movement a bit more, which has resulted in us being able to swaddle him with one arm out. He prefers sleeping with his left hand above his head. So far, if he has both arms out he flails and wakes himself up but we're getting closer to being able to put him down without a swaddle.

A week ago Thursday at our last official Mom's Group meeting, Nate got a round of applause. While one of the ladies was talking, I put him down for some tummy time and he instantly rolled over. It had been about two weeks since his last roll over so I was excited to see him do it again. I did a free trial at a boot camp in Seal Beach this week and Nate was laying on his back on an exercise mat (with a blanket under him of course), and he rolled from his back to his side but I don't think he's ready to get over to his belly from his back quite yet.

For about a week or more I have been singing Soul Sister to Nate after his bath while I lotion him up and give him a little massage and he absolutely loves it. I think the first time I sang it, I chose that song because it was stuck in my head. He liked it so much that I decided to stick with it. He particularly likes the verse that starts with "Girl you can cut a rug, watching you is the only drug I need". I want to try a new song like Perfect by Pink but I don't know the lyrics very well. I've pulled them up on my phone though so I might try it tonight. It's funny that he doesn't seem to mind how terrible my voice sounds.

I don't remember if I mentioned this in my last post but Nate is getting more independent. After seeing how much Nate loved his friend Emmy's play mat, I hung some stuffed animals from his play mat to make it more like hers and he really enjoys laying there now. I also have a mirror hanging from it and he really enjoys talking to the baby. And there's a line of toys, Lamaze, that he likes a lot. He has a peacock, Jacque the Peacock, that keeps him amused for an unusual amount of time. He is also usually willing to spend more time in his swing and/or his bouncy seat. I pulled out a toy that attaches to anything and arches over and he loves that, too.

We are still a bit slow with the bottle but at least he's taking it. I think once he's in daycare and has to take 2-3 bottles per day, he'll get better at it. If he's more than just a little hungry, he won't take the bottle at all; he just cries and won't calm down until I put him on the boob.

And he's calling again... gotta run!

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