Friday, November 11, 2011

Not Adjusting Well

It is 5:29 pm and I am sitting here typing while Nate is asleep in his crib. He's not adjusting to the time change at all. In fact, he's actually going to bed earlier than he was, probably because the sun is going down earlier. He has been falling asleep after only eating half of a meal and then waking up anywhere from 20 min to three hours later to finish. Most days he's back to sleeping really well, some nights he wakes up once, and occasionally he's up all night. I really think those nights are about his tummy: either he's hungry because he didn't eat much cereal before bed or he has a tummy ache. The second day he had peas he ate a whole bunch of them and then was up several times that night. I think his tummy is a bit sensitive.

Speaking of which, he started peas last Saturday and didn't eat much of then but then devoured them on Sunday. Ever since then, he doesn't want much to do with them. I made green beans and pureed them more smoothly on Tuesday but he's not a huge fan of them, either. Tomorrow I'm going to make sweet potatoes and also try store bought peas to see if he likes the smooth texture better. I think I'll try butternut squash after the sweet potatoes. I bought the Beaba Babycook and I'm excited to give it a whirl... literally! It's a relatively small contraption that steams and purees the food all in one. There's only one small container to clean, which is the main reason I bought it. We already spend a ton of time cleaning bottles and pump parts; I didn't want to add more to the cleaning agenda.

I have been sick again for three days now. This time I think the cold was worse than the last two weeks ago. I'm feeling a bit better this evening but this cold has been weird. I have been feeling the worst in the middle of the night. I am really hoping that I haven't passed it on to Nate. I avoided him for the most part the first two days except for feedings. I read that breastmilk carries antibodies to whatever cold I have. Pretty cool! Today I spent more time with him because I was off of work but hopefully I'm no longer contagious. I was supposed to get a haircut today and had grand hopes of getting a lot done over this three day weekend but it's not looking like that's going to happen. For about the past week I've been falling asleep between 7-8 pm. I should have known something was up when that started but I assumed I was just catching up on sleep after a rough night with Nate on Sunday (the pea tummy trouble).

Today I gave Nate his bath for the first time in quite a while. Dan has taken over that duty but he stopped at Albertson's on his way home from work tonight and Nate decided to get tired earlier than usual. We are still giving him a bath over the sink in his whale baby bath tub. Well... I think it's time to move the whale into the big bath tub. He is moving around and splashing so much that we made a huge mess! He was having fun though.

Besides the veggies and the off and on sleep, there's not a whole lot new since last week. Nate's still practicing sitting up and he's getting better and better. He rarely wants to lay or recline anymore; he wants to be sitting up watching what's going on. He is still grabbing things and putting them in his mouth all of the time but we haven't seen any teeth. I don't think he's drooling quite enough to be teething just yet. He has started doing the funniest thing lately. He'll push me away or try to pull me close. For example, I was feeding him his veggies today, which he isn't very fond of, and he put his hand on my cheek and tried to turn my face away. But when it comes to his cereal, he pulls my hand toward his mouth or leans forward to get it.

Well, I'm going to have my soup and get ready for bed. I really need to get over this cold! My New Moms Group has been planning a Mommy Day at Laguna Culinary Arts for lunch and wine tasting tomorrow for about a month now. I told them that I'll have to be walking dead to miss it. I didn't attend either of the gatherings in October so I really want to see the ladies and catch up! And, it's wine tasting.

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