Friday, November 25, 2011

Experimenting with Volume

For the past three days, Nate has really found his voice and is playing around with volume. He does it mostly when he's laying flat. Dan calls it "singing" but I'll be honest, it's just short of a happy scream. It's really funny to just sit and listen to him. Sometimes I'll lay down next to him on the couch when he's doing it and he grabs my face. He's tried to eat my face several times lately. Yesterday was the best Thanksgiving of my life. I had so much fun just being with family and playing with Nate. We gave him a big piece of sweet potato in his mesh teether while we ate and he went to town. I'll post the video when I have a chance to load it. I recorded it on the camcorder so I'll have to figure out how to load to the computer.

I have really enjoyed having this week off and spending extra time with Nate. It makes me want to quit working again but I feel pretty confident that working part time is what's going to feel the best for me.

I think Nate is going through some big brain development right now. He seems to be regressing when it comes to sleep. I think he may have been a bit overstimulated last night, in addition. It took an hour to get him to sleep at 6:30 pm and then he was up again from 10:30 pm until 12:30 am and again at 4 am but went back down more quickly the second time. He ends up in our bed more often than not, mostly because I'm too tired to deal with trying to get him back down in his crib after feeding him.

On another note, we are meeting with a real estate agent tomorrow to list our house. We met with him once and he thinks we can list for close to what we bought for four years ago, which was a good surprise for both of us. I'm caustiously optimistic. We both agree that we aren't going to buy again unless we can buy the house that we want to stay in for the next 20 years. If not, we will rent for a while and wait the market out. I honestly can't even think about buying until this place sells but I'm thinking we should probably look around a little pretty soon to get an idea of what's out there.

Well, I'm having a difficult time keeping my thoughts together so I'm going to sign off for now. Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

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