Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Baby Boy is Five Months Old!

Today is Nate's five month birthday, yet he's wearing 9 month clothes and I'm going to try him in 12 month clothes as soon as I can get back to the Carter's store. We went last weekend and got him a bunch of 9 month stuff but this time, I was smart - I washed one thing first to see how the size fit before cutting tags and washing everything. Turns out, the 9 month clothes fit pretty well so I'm returning a bunch of it for 12 month.

Two days ago, all of a sudden, Nate started sitting up much better. He can sit in my lap in the crook between my legs and sit up straight. He's such a strong boy! Another new development is peas. Where did we leave off last... I think I mentioned that we started cereal twice a day but I don't think I mentioned that Nate had blood in his stool on Sunday morning. We went to the doctor on Monday and she said he basically had a tear that was causing the blood. He had been pooping a ton, probably because of the large quantity that he had been eating. She also mentioned that he is such a big boy and that it sounded like he's a very hungry boy so we should speed up the schedule that she gave us for introducing solids. So, that's the new development - peas. Today I steamed a bag of frozen peas, blended them up, and gave Nate his first vegetable. I tried them after pureeing them and they are actually pretty tasty! (Usually I put a little salt on any veggie when we make them but without salt, still delish.) He only took a handful of bites but he seemed to like it. We took a short video and I'll post it on here soon. We actually used the camcorder for this video so I need to find the cable to connect it to my computer.

What else is new? I am now producing more milk than Nate needs and our freezer is too small to keep up. I told Dan last night that's reason #156 to sell our house. I am hoping to meet with a real estate agent on Friday to discuss the market and what we might be able to get for our house. I will definitely miss this area. Tonight we walked to Main St for sushi with Nate in the Bjorn and had a really great time. But we need more space.

I can't think of anything else to write about. I need to start making notes on my phone again.

Have a great weekend!

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