Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Food!

This morning Nate had his first food. After a couple days of eating and pooping a ton as well as waking up two to three times in the middle of the night to eat, we decided that we needed to start Nate on solids. His doctor has a very detailed way that she likes to introduce solids; she suggested that we start with rice cereal in the morning for a week, then add rice cereal before bed for another week, then start introducing vegetables. I'm not sure if we'll make it a full week before adding the evening rice cereal because waking up to feed Nate while working is a lot harder than it was when I wasn't working. I'm tired! I'm hoping that if we give him cereal before bed he'll go back to being our professional sleeper again.

He seemed to really enjoy the rice cereal. I can't wait to give him more interesting options. I added a dash or cinnamon to the rice cereal to make it a bit more flavorful. At first he didn't really know what he thought about it but before long, he was leaning forward to get to the spoon and even opened his mouth wide to get the food in his mouth a few times. I thought he'd end up with more food on him then in his tummy but he did a really good job of eating!

Here's the link to the video of Nate's first bites:

He's also been in our bed four nights out of the last six. I don't think I made him sick the other night when I thought I did. He was acting the same the next day, then had two great nights, and has had two weird nights again. He'll sleep for a little while after eating then wakes up either to eat again or just be held and will fall right back to sleep, however when we put him down in his crib he's instantly up crying again. If we bring him into our bed, he'll sleep. He's still rubbing his face a ton but the only thing I can associate that with is him being tired. It only happens at night and occasionally when he's overtired for a nap during the day. His skin looks normal so I don't think it's any kind of irritation. His nose is clear so I don't think it's congestion. I really don't want this to become a habit however there's no way I can stay awake in the middle of the night to try to get him in his crib. We've done it a few times and it has always ended up with one of us being awake for 1-2 hours followed by bringing Nate into our bed anyway.

I got good news yesterday that had funny timing. The principal came into my room to tell me that I'm being recommended for probationary status at the November school board meeting, which would mean I'll have tenure next year. This is another thing to add to the "cons list" of quitting at the end of this school year. We'll see, I've got time to figure it out.

Nate is dying to sit up! He can sit propped on the couch now for a while before he tips to one side or the other. When he's laying down, he's often arching forward using his stomach muscles to try to pull himself up. This kid is strong, I tell ya! He's also getting really crazy in his bouncer. He's in it right now, bouncing like a mad man. My Mom thinks all of the activity is making him hungrier in addition to just being a big boy. Even though he had rice cereal after his first feeding today, he still ate again 3 hours afterward. Three hours after breastfeeding, only about 2 hours after his cereal. I don't know if my body can keep up with this demand!

He's also started doing this dramatic cough pretty often. Eh, eh! I don't know if he's trying to get attention or choking on his spit but it's really cute.

Alright, I can't concentrate on this right now so I need to sign off.

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