Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 22: February 6-12

From week 22-26, baby is about the size of a papaya, from 10.5 to 11.8 inches long and weighing 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. She is starting to settle into sleep patterns, about 12 to 14 hours per day, and her face is fully formed. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. She begins adding weight now at a faster pace now, which is her biggest job from now until birth.

Tuesday, February 6, 2011 ~ A few days ago Dan and I were laying in bed WATCHING the baby move for the first time. It was really fun! The kicks aren't ridiculously strong but sometimes they are distracting. While my students were taking a test this morning and I was sitting at my desk grading, I noticed myself flinching from the kicks. They are definitely hard to ignore now!

I ordered the baby's bedding online last night. I found the bedding quite a while ago online at Babies R Us and fell in love with it, but it has been out of stock ever since. Something made me think about it last night and I did a search on Amazon. They only had a few left and for a slightly cheaper price. Then I did a Google search and found an online store that had the bedding at an even cheaper price (although still fairly expensive for bedding, but isn't anything with the words "baby" or "wedding" attached?). I decided to go for it because I would be really disappointed if I waited for my shower and it wasn't available. I can't wait to get it in the mail!!!

Today was my monthly OB appointment. The nurse told me about the routine gestational diabetes test that I have to take. I knew about it but just didn't know when it would happen. Everything that I have heard and read says the initial test is one hour and if you fail, you go back for a three hour test. For some reason my initial test is two hours! I have to fast from 8 pm until I go in; they draw blood, give me a sugar drink, and then draw blood two more times, each an hour apart. Holy cow! I've passed out twice from fasting. What are the chances that I'm not going to pass out during this test?! I'm really not looking forward to it. I'm debating on taking a day off to do it vs. ruining a Saturday morning. Dan's going to go with me.

I also found out that I'm measuring about 3 cm ahead; at 22 weeks I should be measuring 22 cm but I'm measuring just over 25 cm. Sooo... the doctor has me going in for yet another ultrasound to measure the baby. He said this could indicate two things: either we're having a large baby or I just have more fluid in my uterus than normal. It's kind of ironic - initially we were both sad that we might potentially only see the baby twice via ultrasound so we signed up for the genetic testing so that we'd be guaranteed a third time. But with the repeat anatomy scan and now this, we're going on 5 ultrasounds in 5 months! Let's see, 6 OB appointments, going on 7 blood draws, and 5 ultrasounds. No wonder I feel so stinkin' busy! It's too bad because last week when we went in for the repeat anatomy scan I almost asked if the tech could take some measurements so that we could see how the baby is progressing but didn't. I really need to learn to listen to my gut more often.

Speaking of busy, we are going to sign up for some classes at Hoag: a birth class, a safety class, and a breastfeeding class. We are also most likely going to take some kind of natural birthing class which will range from 5-12 weeks long depending on the method that we decide to go with. I will be starting prenatal yoga sometime in the next week and a half (once I can fit it into my schedule). And sometime in the next couple of days I will be doing a phone interview with the pediatrician that was recommended to us by a couple of people. I'm really hoping that I get a good vibe from her because I can't imagine making more appointments! She called back very quickly after our initial phone call and sounded very nice on her message. Who knew we'd be this busy this early?!

Otherwise, my cold seems to be gone completely although the congestion is lingering a bit. I couldn't ask to feel any better than I do. I am a bit more tired than I normally would be and, with my expanding uterus, I get out of breath pretty easily but I definitely can't complain! If this is as bad as it gets, I think I can say I had a pretty easy pregnancy. (Knock on wood)
Friday, February 11, 2011 ~ I think we have a fiesty one on our hands here. I've noticed a couple times that when I roll from my side a little too far onto my belly, the baby starts kicking at the part of my belly that is against the bed. Last night Dan and I watched the baby move around quite a bit again. I feel like I could sit and stare at that for hours! And today, I was sitting in the front of my classroom with my silent reading book resting on my belly while I read and all of a sudden, the book started bouncing around. Oh baby!

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