Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lots to Update

Oh, once again it's been too long.  I apologize!  I feel like we are almost fully adjusted to the move, although there are still a few things that we need to organize and we need to hang pictures.  I bought some wall art for Nate's room and hung most of it today.  It's the vinyl stick on kind and it really looks like he has a mural painted on his walls.  I'll post pictures of his room as soon as I'm finished.

We have also been busy planning his first birthday party.  Yup, that's right, the kid is almost a year old!  We are doing a small party with a sports theme.  I'm excited to make cupcakes decorated like baseballs and I bought I football and soccer ball cake pan.  We are going to have a ball pit and a kiddie pool set up.  I'll post pictures of that in a week or two, also.

So, onto new developments.  It's been so long since my last blog that I don't remember what I've written about.  I think the last time I wrote Nate was doing a pretty good army crawl.  He is now officially a crawling machine.  He is also pulling himself up on everything and today he stood for about a second without holding on to anything.  He hasn't started moving himself around when he's holding on to something so I think we still have some time before he's walking.

Food has become a bit of a challenge.  Despite being more active, he's eating much less.  I'm not concerned about him because he's definitely still thriving (as the doctor always says) but he's now waking up twice a night for milk and I think it's because he's not eating enough during the day.  I'm not sure if the decrease in appetite is because he's doing some pretty hard core teething or what; he's got a molar coming in on the right side and his fourth bottom center tooth coming in on the left.  He has started spitting his food out and dribbling it down his chin when he either doesn't like something or is finished eating.  At first I had a difficult time not laughing at it but now it's just frustrating.  He has tried some new foods in the last few weeks.  He has taken a particular liking to watermelon and peas.  He tried an almond butter and grape jelly sandwich and enjoyed it quite a bit but the second time I gave it to him he wasn't interested.  He is feeding himself quite a bit more and used a fork for the first time today.  He was feeding himself little pieces of watermelon and did quite a good job!

He has changed a lot in the way that he plays, too.  Liana has a music toy that he plays with at daycare and when we moved I realized that we have the same thing.  He loves it!  There's a button in the middle that he pushes to change the song (there might be six choices or so) and he seems to always switch to the same two songs.  He still really loves playing with balls and his aim is impeccable!  He has started hiding his balls, and his paci sometimes.  He gets down on his chest and looks under the couch or the chair for good hiding spots.  The other day he was playing in the kitchen while eating a cracker and hid it in the cabinet that he was playing in.  It was pretty cute!  And just today he was trying to shove a couple toys in the couch cushions.  I think he was mimicking me hiding the remote in there.  My Mom taught him Patty Cake quite a while ago and he started grabbing our hands and clapping them together whenever he wanted to play.  He's been doing that for months but just recently he started playing what I like to call Angry Patty Cake.  As soon as I start singing he opens his mouth really wide like he's screaming.  I joked with Dan that Nate wants Death Metal Patty Cake when he does that and started singing the song like I was in a Death Metal band.  And he's taken a liking to wearing my sunglasses.  I have the most adorable picture of him wearing them on facebook but my computer is acting up so I'll have to download it and post it on here at some point.

Enough about play; Nate has become the most loving, snuggly little kiddo.  Out of nowhere he will put his head on my shoulder when I'm holding him and just snuggle with me.  And in the morning he always leans his forehead toward me for morning kisses.  He has been giving kisses for a while.  They are very wet, mouth-wide-open kisses but I love them anyway!

He is almost exclusively sleeping by himself in his room on his new full mattress on the floor.  When he's a bit older and can get up and down we will put the frame and box spring together but right now he would go down head first.  Sometimes I fall asleep in there when I go in to nurse in the middle of the night and I've realized that he fidgets more when I'm sleeping in there than when I'm not.  There are some exceptions of course, like two nights ago when he was so congested that he couldn't breathe out of his nose so I slept in his bed propped up with him on my chest so that it would be easier for him to breathe.

I'm seriously hoping that the night feedings end soon.  I am exhausted all of the time; I spill things, I run into things, I don't make sense sometimes.  But I'm not going to deny him milk in the middle of the night when I know he's not eating enough during the day.  We have his 12 month appointment on Wednesday so I am going to ask the doctor if she has any suggestions.

Speaking of 12 months, Nate is turning a year old on Tuesday.  I am taking the day off and while he is taking his morning nap I am going to get a tattoo of his birth date in ancient Hindu-Arabic numbers (to commemorate my math background) on my wrist and then we are going to go to the Aquarium of the Pacific with a couple of his friends (from my New Moms Group) and my Mom.  I can't believe that my baby is turning one!  When do I have to stop calling him a baby?

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