Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 30: April 3-9

Baby is about 17 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. As baby's skin smoothes out, his brain just keeps getting more wrinkled. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. He's also adding some brawn -- his grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 ~ Wow I just read that we only have 67 days to go. Overall, the last 5 months have been pretty slow-going but the last two weeks seem to have gone pretty quickly. While I was getting ready for my work shower on Saturday I was thinking about my coworker's shower two weeks earlier, which seemed like days earlier.

Speaking of my work shower, it was great! I feel so supported at Fountain Valley and was really touched by how much my coworkers put into the shower and by how excited they are for Dan and me. We had fun, good food, and lots of fun gifts. I'm really looking forward to my other shower in a week and a half!

All of a sudden I feel like I am carrying the baby completely differently. Despite my belly, I had kept some pretty nice curves. But now the baby seems to be pushing out the sides of my belly and the curves are all but gone. I also felt really different at yoga today. I can't quite describe it. The baby also seems to be sticking out more in the front and continues to be sitting really low in my belly.

It seems like it's going to be a bit difficult to find a substitute for my maternity leave. Unfortunately neither of the two retired ladies are interested in subbing so we have to use the substitute list even though we don't know any of them. I say "we" but really my department chair has taken the reins. I'm not super concerned with the person who will sub for the end of the school year because Calculus will be done (the AP Exam is May 4) and Precalculus has a pretty easy chapter at the end of the year; anybody with half a brain will be able to teach my Algebra B class. But the four weeks I want to take off at the beginning of the year are another story. Not only is it more important to the success of my classes, it is going to be more difficult to find a sub because most people will be trying to find a teaching job during the summer, not looking for a subbing job. I keep reminding myself that it will work out for the best, one way or another.

I'm still feeling really good and my only real complaint is just lack of energy starting around lunch time. If I could take a nap every afternoon, I'd have no complaints. I really think yoga has made my pregnancy a million times easier and can't recommend it highly enough!

We started our natural childbirth class last night. I didn't feel great about the first class but mostly because a lot of the material we had already learned at our Hoag birth class, which I kind of expected. I think I will feel better about the classes after next week; we will be learning more relaxation techniques, which is really what I wanted out of these classes.

Friday, April 8, 2011 ~ Had a rough parent meeting after school today. A student of mine is dealing with things that no kid should have to deal with. She's a good kid but is really struggling with school because of her home situation. I want to help her out but there's only so many times I can tell her what she needs to do and have her not follow through. This time I had the support of the assistant principal and we laid it out: this is her last chance. I'm really hoping that she'll find it within herself to make it happen and I'm going to be really disappointed if she doesn't.

After that, Dan and I went to a daycare center. Sean and Sandi love the daycare center that they send Evyn to so we went to check it out. I really like the place and everybody we met was very nice. The thought of sending the baby to daycare at only a few months old just kills me and I wish I could take a year off of work but I believe that daycare is going to be a good environment for the baby to become more social and potentially start learning at an earlier age. We have an interview with another in home daycare tomorrow and hopefully we'll have a decision made within a week.

Right before I got on the computer I was thinking that I'm starting to feel ready to have my body back. Almost immediately afterward I got the worst Charley Horse I've ever had. It's become more challenging to get off of the couch and with this ridiculous cramp in my leg, it was impossible. I had to call Dan over to help me up so that I could flatten my foot on the ground and slowly work the cramp out. It hurt so badly, I literally almost started crying. This is the second time I've had a terrible cramp in about a week. The other one happened in the middle of the night. I had been woken up by a few small cramps but as soon as I bent my foot towards my shin, they went away and I was able to fall right back to sleep. Then around 3 am I got one that shot me up in bed faster than I thought I could move. The cramp took quite a while to get out and my calf was very sore the next day. My calf is already sore from the cramp that I just had. I know it's from not having enough water (although my body's definition of enough is insane; I drink at least 96 oz every day, not including any juices or soda).

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