Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 27: March 13-20

Baby is now about 15 in long and weighs about 2.2 pounds. Her lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means she's now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in the womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid, but hey -- it's progress.

Monday, March 14, 2011 ~ I've been feeling more and more interesting sensations over the last couple weeks. Yesterday and today I've had a fluttering sensation, similar to the way it felt when I first felt the little bugger move but much stronger. I've been feeling more of the sweeping sensation that I mentioned last week but baby hasn't been jabbing me as much over the last few days.

I feel like my belly is growing at a much faster pace these days and I can feel myself running out of space. I walked with Danielle yesterday and could feel the decreased lung capacity as I tried to chat while walking. And over the last few days I've noticed less space to eat. It's also getting a little more challenging to sleep, although I'm still sleeping pretty well and can't complain.

One day when I have time to sit for a while I want to record the earthquakes in my belly. I enjoy watching them so much and think that it will be fun to show the baby when she's older. I haven't scheduled our follow up ultrasound yet because the weeks are just too busy but we need to find time. I only have about a week and a half to get that and the bloodwork done.

We haven't revisited our list of names (5 girls and 6 boys) although Dan just mentioned that we should probably narrow the list down. I honestly don't think I want to pick a name until we meet the baby but I think we should narrow it down to 2 or so for each gender. I have my favorite girl names and am pretty open to almost all of the boy names on our list. I think middle names are going to be challenging!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 ~ Almost immediately after shutting my computer down I felt the most awesome jabs ever (after commenting that I hadn't felt jabs in a while). I happened to have my hand on the right side of my belly and some round body part (butt, head?) completely jabbed out and filled my hand. It happened several times and Dan got to feel it, too. Baby has been moving around a ton today, lots of little earthquakes and sweeps across my belly.

I realized on my walk today that I haven't written about how amazing prenatal yoga is. I am amazed at how good I feel when I leave and can't wait to start doing it twice per week. Right now I'm doing it on Saturdays and the yoga studio offers classes on Tuesday afternoon but I haven't been able to make it yet (it's at 3:30 in Irvine so it's a tight squeeze to get there after work). This week I was bound and determined to go but the instructor said she wasn't going to be there on Tuesdays for three weeks and when I asked about the sub she made it clear that it would be better just to stick with Saturdays for now. It's a little expensive but it's definitely worth it and I will highly recommend it to anybody I know that gets pregnant from now on.

Speaking of walking, I've been having some muscle and ligament pain when I go on my long walks and it's made it a bit more difficult to get my exercise in. It's far easier for me to get three long walks in than it is to get several short walks done per week. But I definitely can't do long walks two days in a row because it takes at least a full 24 hours for the pain to subside and sometimes I just have too many appointments to get the miles done that I want. I'm doing the best that I can and not beating myself up about it but I'm hoping that the pain goes away, similar to the shoulder pain I was having a couple months ago. I walked 6 miles this evening and so far am feeling pretty good. I can feel that the pain is there but it doesn't seem like it will be bad.

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